CDM Media - Integrated Media PANEL FIRESIDE CHAT: Prioritizing Self-Care and Reaching Your Potential


“The ability to put ourselves first and to get what we need to fill up our cups so that we're then able to be in a position to give and to be at a place of our highest potential."


We’ve changed things up a bit with this latest episode of our podcast, "Flourish or Fold: Stories of Resilience." Today we are featuring my appearance from a couple of weeks ago when I moderated a panel for CDM Media - Integrated Media. It was truly an honor to volunteer my time and donate my best-selling books to be of service to executives in Human Resources.

I was so grateful to be able to shares my inspiration for writing The 5 Practices of Highly Resilient People, which was heavily influenced by my experiences working with women in rural areas and individuals with traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries. All of which truly shaped my unique perspective on resilience.

Here are some key takeaways from our conversation:

Redefining Resilience: Contrary to popular belief, resilience isn't about bouncing back to our previous state. It's about bouncing forward, allowing our experiences to transform us.

The Five Essential Qualities of Resilient People: I shared the five practices I’ve discovered through my extensive research and interviews, which serve as a roadmap for navigating life's challenges.

The Power of Vulnerability: Vulnerability isn't about sharing everything with everyone. It's about aligning our inner thoughts and feelings with our outward selves. This alignment is crucial for effective leadership and personal well-being.

Overcoming the Vulnerability Bias: We often fear vulnerability, thinking it might lead to rejection. I emphasize the importance of overcoming this bias for authentic and empathetic leadership.

Being "Self-Full": I introduce the concept of being "self full" - prioritizing self-care to reach our highest potential. It's about putting on our own oxygen mask first before helping others.

My mission is to help individuals and organizations build resilience and well-being, a cause I'm sure we can all get behind. I'm excited for you to listen to this episode and gain some valuable insights into resilience, vulnerability, and self-care. I'd like to remind you about our online course, "Flourish: The Five Practices of Highly Resilient People," available on our website It's a one-on-one tutorial with me, offering hours of content for learning and coaching on the five practices of resilience.

Stay tuned for more exciting conversations and remember, resilience is not just about surviving, it's about thriving! Don't forget to like, comment, download, and share our podcast. We're excited to hear your thoughts and what you've learned from our conversation.

Give this episode a listen below. ⇣

On the episode, we talk about:

  • The Five Practices of Highly Resilient People [00:08:52]: I introduce the five practices of highly resilient people, which are based on two decades of research and interviews with hundreds of individuals.

  • Resilience as Intrinsic to Humanity [00:05:20]: Resilience is not something external that needs to be found or harnessed, but rather an inherent part of being human. Shifting the perspective from resilience as something outside of ourselves to something within us changes the game.

  • The first practice: Vulnerability [00:11:21]: I explain the importance of vulnerability in moments of challenge and the misconceptions surrounding it.

  • The vulnerability bias [00:12:48]: I discusse the irrational fear that prevents people from being vulnerable and the impact it has on authenticity and empathy.

  • Resilience as a strategic imperative [00:16:00]: Highlights the shift in organizations towards viewing resilience as a strategic imperative for employee wellness, well-being, and mental health.

  • The importance of self-care and resilience for women in leadership [00:22:06]: I discuss the unique challenges women face in their careers and the need for resilience in leadership development programs.

  • The concept of being "self-full" [00:23:36]: I talk about the idea of being self-full, which means prioritizing self-care and filling up one's own cup before being able to give to others.



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