The Forbes Factor


In this podcast, we explore the importance and power of resistance. Resistance can take many forms, from standing up to injustice and oppression to pushing back against societal norms and expectations. We will discuss how resistance has played a critical role in shaping history and bringing about positive change. Through our interview with author and activist, Tayrn Marie and Michael Alden, we will examine the impact of resistance on a range of issues, including civil rights, climate justice, and gender equality. We will also delve into the psychological and emotional aspects of resistance, exploring how it can empower individuals and communities to challenge the status quo and effect real change. Join us as we explore the diverse and inspiring ways that resistance has shaped our world, and discover how you too can harness its power to make a difference in your own life and community. Resilience is often defined as the ability to “bounce back” after facing difficulty. Yet, drawing on more than two decades of research, executive development roles within Fortune 500 Companies, and personal experience, Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal has come to a different conclusion: that we are fundamentally and forever changed by our experiences, and instead, “bounce forward”, rather than backward. She defines resilience as existing within all of us, “the essence of being human”, and “the ability to effectively address challenge, change, and complexity in a manner that allows us to be enhanced by the experience, not diminished.”


Dr. Taryn Marie on The Ed Mylett Show


The Determined Society